Saturday, June 18, 2011

Where do you find peace? Volunteer Park.

Amy Tower is a junior Philosophy Major at Seattle University.
She finds peace at Volunteer Park on Capitol Hill. Especially by the Water Reservoir.

How do you define peace?
Being fully engaged while not feeling anxious.

What about Volunteer Park conjures feelings of peace for you?
The environment is just gorgeous. You can see the space needle and beautiful views of the city-scape and urban environment, but there are still a lot of trees and green spaces. I love everything about the park: the koi in the pond, the variety of people, the dogs, and the children. It's not crowded, but there's a constant flow of people. You can be in solitude, but not feel alone.

Do you have any special memories or stories about this place?
When I'm good and disciplined enough to go on a jog, I usually end up here. I feel like I've arrived at a destination. There are a lot of peaceful places in Seattle, but this is one of my favorites.

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