Sarah McHugh, student at Seattle University.
Sarah finds peace within her garden plot on the Southeastern side of Seattle University's campus
"My goal isn't necessarily peace, it's social justice. Within social justice you have peace."
How do you define peace?
I define peace generally as a lack of evil. I think with peace of mind comes outward peace and I need that peace of mind to ensure that outward peace.
What about your garden plot conjures peace for you?
Weeding, harvesting, and gardening is not only a stress reliever, but it's about the ethics of growing and creating your own food. Growing my own food ensures that I create peace within my food system because I know where the food is coming from and the work that goes into it. Our food system today is controversial, and it's important to not support any unjust acts related to our food system and labor.
Do you have any special memories related to this place?
I originally shared the garden with my best friend and roomate. With such busy schedules, it was nice to work together on a project and create a community through our shared work. My goal isn't necessarily peace, it's social justice. Within social justice you have peace. For me, my garden is all about creating a just and healthy food system in which everything is socially and environmentally just. I do this in the little ways I can, especially through my garden.